The PRONTO Hospital Level training is geared towards interprofessional teams of providers working in hospitals with access to medication and operative delivery. Participants include nurses, doctors, specialists, interns, and aids. The PRONTO Hospital Level training has be implemented in Mexico, the US, and Kenya.
Hospital Level Training
Course Objective
- To challenge participants to think systematically about the diagnosis and management of obstetric and neonatal emergencies.
- To practice the appropriate use of limited—resources.
- To facilitate structured communication and teamwork.
- To promote kind and respectful (humanized-birth) care for all women and their families.
- To promote Evidence-Based Practice.
- To improve the identification, stabilization and transfer of women who develop complications during birth and the immediate postpartum period.
Learning Strategies
- Team skills and team-building activities.
- Video guided simulation and debriefing.
- Group work and interactive activities
- Strategic planning
- Skills stations
- Case vignette and case based learning
Participant Feedback
Some of the important elements participants have said they will take away from this training?
“The methodology of presentations and games help bring out learning.”
“The audio-visual effects, such as the blood, depicts the confusion and stress (in real deliveries) to some extent”
“Video recording and debriefing are powerful tools”