Current Partners

FHI 360

In 2019, with USAID funding, FHI 360 and PRONTO partnered to begin delivering PRONTO trainings in Mozambique.

“For more than four decades, FHI 360 has delivered innovative solutions to some of the world’s most pressing human development challenges.” FHI 360 currently works in 60 countries around the world “bring[ing] about positive social change and providing lifesaving health care, quality education and opportunities for meaningful economic participation.”

ImPACTS (Improving Pediatric Acute Care through Simulation)

PRONTO is collaborating with ImPACTS, based at Yale University, to build, pilot, and study PRONTOSTATan innovative interprofessional simulation and team-training program aimed at equipping emergency teams in American maternity deserts with the practice and confidence to identify and manage obstetric emergencies in their communities.

LIFT Simulation Design Lab

PRONTO is collaborating with LIFT Simulation Design Lab, based at University of Utah, to build, pilot, and study PRONTOSTATan innovative interprofessional simulation and team-training program aimed at equipping emergency teams in American maternity deserts with the practice and confidence to identify and manage obstetric emergencies in their communities.

Save the Children

Beginning in 2020, PRONTO partnered with Save the Children to bring PRONTO training to three regions in Niger withUSAID funding.

“For 100 years, [Save the Children] has been giving children in the U.S. and around the world a healthy start in life, the opportunity to learn and protection from harm… We do whatever it takes to save children, transforming their lives and the future we share.”

University of California, San Francisco School of Medicine

PRONTO is a subawardee on UCSF’s research and implementation projects in Bihar and Uttar Pradesh, India, funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

UPTSU/IHAT - Uttar Pradesh Technical Support Unit

PRONTO works in collaboration with the UPTSU (IHAT) to implement simulation and team training in their Nurse Mentoring program in 200+ facilities in 25 districts in the state of Uttar Pradesh, India. PRONTO’s curriculum is integrated into GoI’s LaQshya quality program that is being implemented across the state.
The Uttar Pradesh Technical Support Unit (UP TSU) is a consortium of health and development partners that support the Government of Uttar Pradesh (GoUP) in achieving its goals in reproductive, maternal, newborn, child, and adolescent (RMNCH+A) health, and nutrition.

Past Partners

African Medical and Research Foundation (AMREF)

amrefAMREF is an NGO and leading research organization throughout Africa that works to build partnerships and community and health system capacity.  AMREF partnered with PRONTO through the Micronutrient Initiative funded “Linda Afya ya mama na Mtoto” project in Kenya.

CARE India

Care_signPRONTO is partnering with CARE as part of a scale-up project in India.

CARE India is an NGO that has “been working in India for over 60 years, focusing on ending poverty and social injustice. Our overall goal is the empowerment of women and girls from poor and marginalized communities leading to improvement in their lives and livelihoods.” CARE India is part of the CARE International Confederation.

Centro de Investigación Epidemiologica en Salud Sexual y Reproductiva (CIESAR)

Screen Shot 2014-07-08 at 5.14.57 PMCIESAR is an organization that supports sexual and reproductive health research, development, implementation, and evaluation in Central America. Edgar Kestler, the Guatemalan lead for the SLAB funded scale-up study, is the director of this center.

Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI)

PRONTO partnered with CHAI in 2019 to lead ongoing PRONTO trainings in Niger State, Nigeria.

The Clinton Health Access Initiative, working in 36 countries around the world aims to “save lives and reduce the burden of disease in low- and middle-income countries around the world. [They] aim to strengthen the government and private sector to create and sustain high-quality health systems in the countries where we work.”

Consorcio de investigacion sobre VIH/SIDA/TB (CISIDAT)

cisidatCISIDAT partnered with PRONTO on its 2010 Implementation Trial in Mexico.

CISIDAT is a Mexican non-governmental, interdisciplinary organization of experts in clinical care, science and behavior, which seeks to support research in the field of HIV/AIDS/TB and related topics.

Health Alliance International (HAI)

In 2018, PRONTO began working with HAI in Timor-Leste to train 20 simulation facilitators. These 20 facilitators are conducting simulation in 8 municipal CSIs, with ongoing monitoring and evaluation by HAI and PRONTO.

Health Alliance International has worked for over 30 years providing “support to government partners to strengthen primary health care and foster social economic, and health equity for all.”

Instituto Nacional de las Mujeres (INMujeres)

logo_inmujeresInMujeres is a federal institution that promotes gender equality in Mexico. It provided additional funding from the implementation trial in Mexico.

Instituto Nacional de Salud Pública (INSP)

Screen Shot 2014-07-21 at 12.45.47 PMINSP was the major partner of PRONTO Mexico and was the founding institution of PRONTO. The institute regularly conducted PRONTO training throughout Mexico and completed evaluative research and dissemination.


1378993779i-tech logo_1 I-TECH supported PRONTO trainings in Namibia and Ethiopia.

The International Training and Education Center for Health (I-TECH) is affiliated with the University of Washington, and “is a global network that works with local partners to develop skilled health care workers and strong national health systems in resource-limited countries. I-TECH promotes local ownership to sustain effective health systems.”

Kenya Ministry of Health

RepublicOfKenya(Logo)The Kenyan Ministry of Health partnered with PRONTO on the “Linda Afya ya mama na Mtoto” project, which was funded by MI.

Laerdal Global Health

AAJUMIAELaerdal Global Health supports PRONTO’s work by providing discounted neonatal simulators.

Medical Education Partnership Initiative (MEPI)

MEPIPRONTO and partners received a MEPI award to pilot trainings in Kenya through Prime-K (below).

Micronutrient Initiative (MI)

miThe Micronutrient Initiative works in partnership with governments, the private sector and civil society organizations to address hunger. It focuses on strengthening and integrating delivery platforms for micronutrients and other health interventions. MI awarded PRONTO and partners a $1.2 million grant to implement the “Linda Afya ya mama na Mtoto” project.

Partnerships for Enhanced Engagement in Health (Peer-Health)

kenya-classroom-smPeer-Health was a competitive grant program funded by USAID and NIH, which supported scientists in developing countries working on research projects.  Members of the PRONTO team at the University of Nairobi in Kenya applied for and won this award in 2013 to scale-up PRONTO training and measure impact.

Partnership for Innovative Medical Education in Kenya (Prime –K )

This program was a partnership between University of Nairobi and University of Washington and University of Maryland Baltimore that sought to improve the quality of medical education and extend the reach of medical training outside of just Nairobi.


PRONTO implemented simulation and team training for the nurse mentors with a focus on intrapartum and immediate postpartum care for both obstetric and neonatal emergencies. Five districts in the state of Madhya Pradesh were included in this project.

PRONTO collaborated with Pathfinder International on the project “To improve the quality of maternal care in public health facilities in the state of Madhya Pradesh in India” funded by the John D. and Catherine T. Arthur Foundation.

Saving Lives at Birth (SLAB)

Screen Shot 2014-07-08 at 5.20.39 PMPRONTO was awarded the Saving Lives at Birth grant in 2014 for scale efforts in Guatemala.

Secretaria de Relaciones Exteriores

sre2Provided travel support to trainers from Mexico for the Guatemala Implementation trial in 2012.

State Secretary for Women (Chiapas and Mexico State)

Provided additional funding and support of the implementation trial in Mexico.

University of Nairobi

uonUniversity of Nairobi partnered with PRONTO on the “Linda Afya ya mama na Mtoto” project, which was funded by MI.

University of Washington, Department of Global Health

Purple-gold-logoThe University of Washington, Department of Global Health supported the PRONTO projects in Kenya, in addition to the Meso-America Contract from the Gates Foundation.


In 2020, with USAID funding, PRONTO partnered with the URC HEARD project and is bringing PRONTO trainings to Malawi and Madagascar.

For 50 years, URC has sought to combine the idealism of academic research with the pragmatism necessary in the real world. In over 40 countries, URC is improving the quality and impact of social services and systems, focusing on important areas such education; malaria; maternal, neonatal, and child health care; HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment; and food and nutrition support.”

Washington Global Health Alliance

logoWGHA provided PRONTO with funding for the development and commercialization of the PRONTOPack.

WGHA is dedicated to facilitating collaboration to create activities and partnerships in global health that wouldn’t otherwise exist.