The challenge was to create a low-cost simulator to use in the scenarios. PartoPants™ were the answer.
PartoPants™ are a modified pair of surgical scrub pants worn by an actress (simulated patient).
PartoPants™ include:
- Stretchy vagina for the birth of a baby and placenta
- Rectum for administration of hemorrhage medications
- Urethra for catheterization
- Suprapubis
We use a plastic doll and attached placenta (included with our PRONTOPack™). All other materials included in the simulations are based on the actual materials (medications, instruments, equipment) available at the training site. Materials used in the activities and training are low-cost and can be obtained locally, no matter the setting (ie. rope, paper, red food coloring, gelatin).
Order PartoPants™ with the PRONTOPack™
Check out this video of PRONTO collaborator Leslie Carranza explaining how PartoPants™ work, to an audience of medical faculty at the University of Washington:
More footage of PartoPants™ in action: