The PRONTO team has recently returned from a trip to Arusha, Tanzania to attend and present at the Global Maternal Health Conference (GMHC). “The GMHC2013 is a technical conference for scientists, researchers, and policy-makers to network, share knowledge, and build on progress toward eradicating preventable maternal mortality and morbidity by improving quality of care.” At this conference, Dilys Walker, Jimena Fritz, Onesmus Gachuno and Julia Dettinger all participated in a panel discussion on how simulation training can be used to teach specific competencies of care, including: evidence-based medicine, teamwork and communication, and respectful maternity care. In addition to the PRONTO panel, we presented a poster presentation on our work promoting culturally respectful maternity care in Guatemala and a presentation on our work validating a Primary-level version of the World Health Organization’s Near Miss Form.
The conference was very informative, and the PRONTO team spent a lot of time attending presentations focusing on Monitoring and Evaluating Maternal Health projects, and those promoting or measuring respectful maternity care where much information was gleaned to help continue PRONTO International’s efforts to improve maternal and neonatal health outcomes globally.
-Julia Dettinger, MPH – PRONTO International Research Coordinator
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