By Dilys M. Walker, Susanna R. Cohen, Fatima Estrada, Marcia E. Monterroso, Alisa Jenny, Jimena Fritz and Jenifer O. Fahey.
International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics, November 21, 2011
The purpose of this project is to evaluate the acceptability, feasibility, rating, and potential impact of PRONTO, a low-tech and high-fidelity simulation-based training for obstetric and neonatal emergencies and teamwork using the PartoPants low-cost birth simulator. PRONTO brings simulation training to low-resource settings and can empower interprofessional teams to respond more effectively within their institutional limitations to emergencies involving women and newborns. Further study is warranted to evaluate the potential impact the program on obstetric and neonatal outcome.
Dilys M. Walker, Susanna R. Cohen, Fatima Estrada, Marcia E. Monterroso, Alisa Jenny, Jimena Fritz, Jenifer O. Fahey, PRONTO training for obstetric and neonatal emergencies in Mexico, International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics, Volume 116, Issue 2, February 2012, Pages 128-133, ISSN 0020-7292, 10.1016/j.ijgo.2011.09.021.
Keywords: Emergency obstetric training; Mexico; Simulation; Team training
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