This program started in 2009 with a pilot that was conducted in 5 hospitals in the states of Chiapas and Mexico. In 2010 it began the study of implementation training, and by the end of 2011 will have been trained to the appropriate personal in 12 hospitals in the states of Chiapas, Guerrero and Mexico. On September 20th they launched the implementation of PRONTO in the municipalities of Huixtla, Yajalon, and Arriaga, in Chiapas.
This program was designed by NIPH in collaboration with the University of Washington and the University of Utah; they wanted to prevent maternal and neonatal deaths. Mexico has been using techniques based on the use of simulations; this method offers the possibility to participate in a real-life experience among the medical team so that participants can integrate their experiences, knowledge and skills in the field.
The training program will be taught through two modules completed until November, with topics on obstetric hemorrhage, neonatal resuscitation, teamwork, shoulder dystocia and preeclampsia-eclampsia.
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