PRONTO International in Ghana
Number of Mentors Trained: 6
Number of Providers Trained: 44
Funder: USAID
Collaborators and Partners: URC, Navrongo Health Research Centre
With a grant from USAID, Navrongo Health Research Centre implemented a project to address demand and supply side factors influencing maternal and newborn health services in the Northern Region of Ghana. The project: 1) utilized women’s groups to provide outreach to pregnant and newly-delivered women to increase ANC attendance, facility deliveries, and post-natal care, 2) implemented a quality-improvement initiative at four health centres and one referral facility in East Mamprusi District, and 3) monitored and evaluated the challenges, solutions, and successes to prepare for scale-up outside of East Mamprusi District. The quality improvement initiative incorporated PRONTO International’s unique simulation and team training curriculum. In 2016, PRONTO trained six clinical mentors to implement simulation and team-training in the five intervention facilities. Additionally, PRONTO introduced forty-four providers at the intervention facilities to simulation through two two-day trainings.