Dilys Walker presented preliminary results of the impact of PRONTO trainings at the FIGO (International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics) conference in Rome October 7-12, 2012. The FIGO congress was a rewarding scientific exchange with information about the many aspects of women’s health. There were FIGO Reproductive and sexual health pre-Congress workshops as well as pre-Congress courses and hands […]
Read MoreSkilled birth attendants in Mexico: how does care during normal birth by general physicians, obstetric nurses, and professional midwives compare with world health organization evidence-based practice guidelines?
By Dilys Walker MD, Lisa M. DeMaria MS, Leticia Suarez MS, Leslie Cragin CNM, PhD, The Evaluating Alternative Models of Obstetric Care in Mexico Research Team. Journal of Midwifery & Women’s Health, September 23, 2011 We evaluated the quality of basic obstetric care provided by Mexican general physicians, obstetric nurses, and professional midwives compared with […]
Read MorePRONTO training for obstetric and neonatal emergencies in Mexico
By Dilys M. Walker, Susanna R. Cohen, Fatima Estrada, Marcia E. Monterroso, Alisa Jenny, Jimena Fritz and Jenifer O. Fahey. International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics, November 21, 2011 The purpose of this project is to evaluate the acceptability, feasibility, rating, and potential impact of PRONTO, a low-tech and high-fidelity simulation-based training for obstetric and […]
Read MoreRescue Program Obstetric and Neonatal
Journalists from Mexico JOURNALMEX This program started in 2009 with a pilot that was conducted in 5 hospitals in the states of Chiapas and Mexico. In 2010 it began the study of implementation training, and by the end of 2011 will have been trained to the appropriate personal in 12 hospitals in the states of […]
Read MoreStart Training SEDEM Hospitals to Reduce Maternal Deaths
Information Service Agency in Chiapas The Secretariat for Development and Empowerment of Women (SEDEM) in coordination with the National Institute of Public Health (INSP) and the Institute of Health today launched its fourth stage to the program for Obstetric and Neonatal Rescue: The Optimal Treatment (PRONTO2), so that no woman in Chiapas will have to […]
Read MoreMexico and the United States create emergency response program for pregnant women
After two years of preparation and training the INSP of Mexico and the Universities of Washington and Utah reported yesterday that 15 hospitals in Chiapas, Guerrero State of Mexico began to apply the emergency care program for pregnant women called Pronto2. This program is seeking to help Mexico meet the Millennium Development Goals in terms […]
Read MoreNurses and Doctors are Trained in General Hospitals
Seven of Chiapas Journalism That Informs the New Millennium Public health experts Jennifer Fahey and Jimena Fritz in coordination with the teachings of the general hospital conducted training workshops on two key issues for nurses and doctors that can better function for the attention of women. With the help Dilys Walker the three stressed the […]
Read MoreSimulation Births in Chiapas
Publimetro News The state of Chiapas implements an innovative simulation of maternal birth (PRONTO) to reduce neonatal mortality and reduce the risks to women going into labor. PRONTO training is done through high-fidelity simulations in which a women puts on birth-pants that give birth to a baby. In the Process, the device simulates the various […]
Read MoreSuccessfully Concluded Training in Hospitals in Chiapas to Reduce Maternal Mortality
Health Institute in Chiapas With a wide interest of medical personnel, successfully completing the Training Day, held in Chiapas that staff from INSP and the Institute of Health in Chiapas executed through the Program, Obstetrical and Neonatal Rescue: Optimal Treatment (PRONTO-Chiapas). With the training in obstetric emergencies through the method of simulation we are moving […]
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